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Menopause and Body Image

Menopause and Body Image

Menopause is a natural transition period that every woman will eventually go through. It is characterised by a whole raft of different changes that affect a woman’s physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. The changes in hormonal levels, have a widespread impact. These changes are often seen as negative for many women, and it is a common time in a woman’s life when their body image is negatively impacted. In addition, many women become dissatisfied with the way their body looks which can further impact their relationship to food, eating, sexuality and intimate partner relationships. This article is written with the hope of increasing awareness of this common issue and offering some support and reassurance to help you regain or maintain a healthy attitude to your body.

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Menopausal belly fat: how to stop the middle age spread

Menopausal belly fat: how to stop the middle age spread

If a woman is fortunate to grow into older age, she will go through the biological transition into menopause. Menopause in some cultures is cause for celebration, however in our youth focused culture, it is often a transition that many women dread. One of the most feared aspects that commonly occurred for women in this age group is not only a change in their weight but a change in the fat distribution and body image. 

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The Perception Of Stress

The Perception Of Stress

Have you ever wondered why two different people react completely differently to the same stressful situation?  When confronted with the same situat...

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Stress And Sleep

Stress And Sleep

If the body is exhausted from stress, why doesn’t it fall asleep?Stress is the physical and emotional response to a threat of danger. It is a natur...

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